Local Seo Traffic Tips and Tricks

Local Seo Traffic Tips and Tricks

Marty Ware’s Local Seo Traffic Tips and Tricks http://www.martywarecoachingandservices.com/

Search engine optimization is making massive changes once again with the integration of Google Hummingbird in 2013.
It’s possibly one of the biggest changes to how search engines plcae their content in the last 10 years.
It’s all based around text and the semantic index, ( Similar meaning of words) also Page rank still holds strong, but social signals based on the keywords around the target keyword are having a major impact.
So, one way to get around this is to create local Social media platform based on that target market, niche or keywords.
Google is looking for keyword relevance, and if your links are relevant and gaining social exposure, then you are on a winner.
I am currently setting up my own local social platforms to help not only promote my clients, but to get relevant social links for them too!
If you would like to use me as your coach or seo provider please give me a call today

Mobile: 0406 101 546
Skype: worldboardridersclub

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