Local SEO Optimization – 10 of 10 Google Page One – Total Market Domination – We Rank Sites 1
Local SEO Optimization – 10 of 10 Google Page One – Total Market Domination – We Rank Sites 1
Google Local SEO Optimization
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Hi. This is Karl from imaWebGenius, and I want to give you a quick demonstration of the kind of things that we’re capable of here at WebGenius HQ. So we do SEO work and we do Local SEO work for many small businesses and, you know, we can undertake projects of just about4 any size or scope.
What I want to show you here today is something that is very unique and very special, and it’s something very, very few companies can do, very few guys can point to as something they’re capable of doing. I’m in Safari here on one of our Macs and I want to show you what we call “total market domination.” Now, again, there’s an awful lot of guys out there in the SEO world who can rank your page or get your stuff showing up at Google. But I want to show you something that is pretty remarkable… and we’re proud of this kind of stuff that we do. Very few other companies can promise to even come close to something like this.
So, I’m going to type into the search bar the keyword phrase that we went after, and by the way this is a… this is a proof of concept demonstration site that we built for “anaheim custom pool builders” and we’re gonna let Google do it’s thing, OK. You can see I’m not signed in here. So, this is not my results… not my individual results. This is the generic Google results. And I’m signed in private and I’ve cleared my cache, so this is what you will see as well.
And I’m going to make everything a little smaller here initially so you can get an overall picture of the page. So here’s the Google search results, and you can see that this is 135.000 competing results, which in local is… you know… fairly tough competition, it’s not as bad as some national terms and what not. But… you know… it’s decent competition. And I’m going to go back smaller again, so we can see an overall picture here. So, at the top here and down the side are the Google… Google Adwords ads, OK, so that’s… we can ignore those.
So here’s the thing I want to show you…
The top results are four videos. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Those are ours. And then the bottom six results consist of well, let’s see… a press release we did… the website… the website… the website… our Facebook page and a blog site.
So… Just so we’re clear and so you understand what I’m saying here….
We own 10 of 10 slots for the term “anaheim custom pool builders.” And uh…. now you may go check this at some point in the future, and it may not be 10 of 10, because as I’ve said this is a demo site. And uh… as of yet we don’t have client for this site. We may not get a client. We built this as a proof of concept, but we wanted people to see what we’re capable of doing. And I think it goes without saying… that if you have a small business and if you had half of these slots, you would be thrilled.
In many markets, in most markets… not, certainly not all, because some are very, very competitive… in most small markets we can do this for you. We can totally dominate the market. We may not be able to pull all 10 slots. And it may vary from time to time depending upon what the competition is doing. But with the right strategy, the right knowledge and with our capabilities… we can give you “total market domination” in your local market. And basically, you’ll own all the phone calls, all the leads, that come from a local market.
So, I just wanted you to see that and understand that uh… not all SEO firms are alike, not all consultants do the same kind of work. Very few people know how to do this, and uh… there’s some secret sauce involved, some general SEO knowledge. Video marketing. Backlinking. All the things that go into ranking sites. But if you’d like to have the same kind of thing working for your business, then I strongly suggest that you get in touch with us.
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Visit us for more info business owners can use to get more interest, exposure and sales!
Presented by http://imaWebGenius.com
Site and videos mentioned in article: http://AnaheimCustomPoolBuilders.com
Video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87B5ey0hiAQ
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