Local SEO for Small Businesses

Local SEO for Small Businesses

Name of Organization: TrafficSodaWebinar

Topic(s): Local SEO for Small Businesses

Speaker’s Name: Jessica Chalk, CEO TrafficSodaPresentation

Outline: A website without traffic is like placing a beautiful billboard right in the middle of the dessert. No one knows it exists and very few people that know about it can actually find it.  Did you know that more than 55% of customers use search engines like Google to find a local business? Out of all those users, 75% or more will only look to the first page of search results. 

What does that mean?  Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a critical feature to ensure that your business is showing up in the top spots on Google and thereby making sure you’re not losing customers to your competition. 

The world of internet marketing is confusing, we get it.  There’s so many options and a lot of information coming from different places.  We’ve put together this webinar to help you learn about Local SEO for Small Businesses.  We will demystify SEO, look at the difference between AdWords and Organic and how you can decide what the right strategy is for you.  We’ll also look at G+ for Business and talk through some tips and tricks to help you get started on your own.  

Key Takeaway Points of Presentation:

• How SEO works
• Why it matters Local SEO matters so much for small business
• AdWords vs SEO: What’s right for you and why
• On-Page vs Off-Page SEO: Optimizing your website for success
• How online directories, website content, and link building affects SEO
• Tips for improving local SEO to increase visibility

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