Local SEO Services | Local SEO Company | Small Business SEO

Local SEO Services | Local SEO Company | Small Business SEO

http://bit.ly/wixpa Want to know what local seo services can do for you? It’s simple; local seo services can get your business found online. Our goal is to get your business the most traffic, qualified leads and exposure for the least amount of cost.

We do this by putting our proprietary technology in the hands of our expert staff. This means you don’t have to spend anymore time worrying about if your online marketing budget is well spent, we will prove it to you. This allows us to offer high quality local SEO services to thousands of businesses across the United States and Canada.

It’s vital for your business to be found in the maps and organic search results if you are a local business. It’s now the most common way that consumers find local businesses and has far surpassed old media like print yellow pages. In fact since Google Maps was launched in late 2004, demand for the Yellow Pages has declined while the popularity of Google Maps has skyrocketed.

A study that tracked eye movement and click patterns in search results was conducted by Moz in order to show that when a search for “pizza” was performed, searchers focused on the local search results (also known as the 7-pack).

The top three organic listings also got a lot of attention. See the heat map below for a better understanding of the results.

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