How Does Local SEO Work? Google’s Local SEO Ranking Factors

How Does Local SEO Work? Google’s Local SEO Ranking Factors

This is a pre-release tutorial for our social media fans!

This actually is just one video located in the Local Business Internet Marketing University. It’s an inside look into what people can expect from our product.

What is the Local Business Internet Marketing University? Find out here:

In this video you will get a brief introduction to Local SEO, and how Google ranks local businesses. Each topic in the video is discussed in further detail in its own individual video on the Local Business Internet Marketing University. This video is just meant to give the local business an overview of what it takes to rank for Local SEO without overwhelming them.

If you want even more videos, go to and sign up either for the beta or just to know when the University goes live! The target date is around January 2014.

If you would share this video with other local businesses you know, either through social media, email, or just word of mouth, we would appreciate it and I’m sure they would too. Free insider information is always helpful!

Make sure if you have any questions you relay those below the video in the comments and we’ll definitely reply.

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