Local SEO 3 7

Local SEO 3 7



Our tips this time involve onsite SEO. Onsite SEO is what happens on your website that help the search engines rank you on the results page.

Not long ago, even by Internet standards, there were two types of SEO (search engine optimization): onsite and off-site. We now add a third type to that list: local seo.

In the tourism industry almost all search is local. We point out in the video that this is a little counterintuitive. If a person is in London and does a search for a trip to Italy, how could that possibly be local? But it is; Scalea, IT is local, no matter where the search originates from.

This video explains the things Search Engines look for when ranking local search and gives you a real world example of why it’s so important. We do a simple search for a T-shirt shop without telling Google which city and the Search Engine does the bast it can but still serves up results from all over the world. Clearly in Tourism, its’ all local seo.

Griphop Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


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