Local SEO Expert Video Case Studies…

Local SEO Expert Video Case Studies…

http://www.pdgseo.com/category/case-studies gives you (think free) something almost any other local SEO expert doesn’t. Verified client video case studies.

Oops, don’t forget to read my 8 goofy local SEO expert gimmicks to avoid like the plague below…

00:27 Local SEO expert market summary
02:10 History of search engine optimization in last ten years
03:05 Why spam backlinks no longer work (think Google Penguin)
04:15 What is Google relevancy and why you should care
05:22 Client case study
06:28 Tapping into analytics and trends
10:51 Why keyword research rocks
12:03 1000 site visitors a day
12:59 First page rankings for monster-searched keywords
13:50 Local SEO expert planning

So back to why I’m different. Think free video screencast of your site rankings and what you need to rank better on Google. The problem with almost all local SEO expert gurus offer is nearly nothing in value before you pay. Listen, search engine optimization involves a truckload of research. If they don’t do it before you work with them, chances are good they could care less about your business.

That’s why I like to evaluate your project in a video screencast. Here’s a sample: http:// pdgseo.com/free-seo-audit.

Oops, don’t forget one thing: you’re interested in making more money right? A proven local SEO expert that hard-wires helping you get your website and YouTube videos ranking better is the secret.

In case you missed the memo, most local SEO expert salespeople are out for one thing. Your money. Once they have it, guess what? You get a list of spam backlinks they built for you. Next, (this really where it gets worse) your site rankings are awful.

Either you get de-indexed by Google Penguin for spam backlinks or your site gets stuck on page 52 for your goods or services. Kind of a bummer after you just hired what you thought was the best local SEO expert on the planet right?

Oops, almost forgot to share my Facebook page with you: https://www.facebook.com/pdgseo

Wait, there’s more. Client video case studies: http:// pdgseo.com/category/case-studies.

Okay, so back to what every local SEO expert in the universe avoids: hard work. Yuppers. You see, if you own a local SEO company, guess what you drives your business? Money, duh!

So you go out and bring on 100-200 clients. Then you lose about 75% of them every month because the site owners realize your local SEO expert kinda sucks. Bummer. My local SEO expert (http://local.pdgseo.com/about-me) is about as different as you’ll come across for one reason…

You deserve better. For starters, you deserve a local SEO expert that invests in your site rankings but ALSO CONVERSIONS. Who cares if you see 10,000 visitors a month if you don’t convert a percentage of them into prospects and sales. So I take the approach that if we’re going to be partners, I had better step up to the plate and evaluate your SEO on my nickel.

I know, what a concept huh? Since I’ve been running my own local SEO expert firm since 2007 full-time, I’ve seen just about every sneaky, snake trick in the book. Here’s the usual suspects…

1) Your local SEO expert ranks your site for keywords that have ZERO search traffic a month.

2) They spam backlink your site a few thousand times.

3) Your local SEO expert ignores on-page Google standards that can improve your rankings.

4) They don’t speak English.

5) If they do speak English, they suck at writing optimized text content.

6) They have no clue how to produce HD for your site conversions.

7) Too many of them think social media is the magic pill (NOT!).

8) The worst part about local SEO expert fakes is they go MIA on you.

Not me. Here’s my contact information:

Phone: 207-602-0299

Email: peterdavidgustafson@gmail.com

Few local SEO expert managers understand the value of partnership. You need to invest in your client successes rather than look at them as a cash register. Next, too many local SEO expert sales reps have zero expertise in video SEO. Here’s a few links for you to munch on what I do…

http:// pdgseo.com/services/video-marketing
https:// youtube.com/watch?v=hAV1NSrcubQ
https:// youtube.com/watch?v=ClrXpEgDxPo

If you’re growing weary of hiring really sucky local SEO expert gurus, get in touch with me today. I will review your site rankings in a video screencast and then send you the link.

Or watch more video case studies: https://youtube.com/user/peterdavidgustafson.

-Peter David Gustafson

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