Video SEO Training VSEO Best Practice

Video SEO Training VSEO Best Practice

July 12th 2012 London UK

Mark Robertson of is visiting the UK for the first time to speak to the needs of Brand Marketers, Online Marketers, Video Marketers as they strive to better understand the the dynamics of video, media and marketing

AIM OF THE DAY: To equip each attendee with all the core essential knowledge and process skills to activate successful and cost effective ONLINE VIDEO MARKETING CAMPAIGNS.

Mark Robertson is one of the world’s leading experts on video SEO and video marketing and will share his latest insights, tips and reviews of YouTube, Google, Social Networks and other recommended online platforms for getting your videos found, watched and shared. This will include his personal tips and techniques that you will not find published elsewhere.

The day will be divided into 6 interactive workshops. Each workshop will involve detailed ‘hands-on’ activity to assist in learning retention. This will be a day of ‘theory in practice’ with solid knowledge-based take ways and tools for ongoing success.
You will get the best from the day if you bring a Laptop to connect to our high-speed WIFI – to access YouTube and Google, and any real case studies or campaigns that you have questions about.

Each Session will include a set of ‘Take – Aways’ : Slides, PDF Templates and check lists that can be rebranded for internal stake holder or client use.

You will receive a full set of Presentation Slides from the day for personal study use and an exclusive link to an online video of the key presentations for later review.

You will have ongoing access to a VideoSEOTraining ‘member only’ EXPERT FORUM where you can access the presenters and other experts to ask questions and offer peer to peer advice on specific VSEO issues. This is will be an invaluable ongoing support at no extra cost.

You will receive a digital and printed ATTENDANCE CERTIFICATE with full curriculum details for CV folios from ReelSEO.

If you have specific questions and case study requests send these in advance so the presenters can address them during the workshop day.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for all the latest on the workshops:

You can also find us at:!/VideoSEOCourses

and of course at:

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